
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Toothed Trunks and Monoliths

Lately, I've found myself painting a good many miniatures from my favorite books and films, my growing Doctor Who collection being a good example. So, having just finished the last of these, I'll share a few non-Who models, including a scratchbuild.

First, from Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, none other than the enigmatic Monolith. This was a scratch build, a piece of foam cut to the 1:4:9 formula, with tape around the edges to smooth it off. It may actually see service in Dark Tower, although the miniature was just a size comparison.

One of the foundations of science-fiction is the 1927 film Metropolis, directed by Fritz Lang. The sets and visuals from this, especially the iconic workers buildings, were actually a big inspiration for my Dark Tower game setting. Perhaps the best known character from this film is the evil robot duplicate of Maria, which Reaper makes as a miniature.

I enjoyed painting the all-silver color-scheme, it really stands out on the tabletop.

The base was simply painted grey, but I did add a pentagram to it. That's a recurring image in Metropolis, especially around the robot, and the mad scientist Rotwang's laboratory.

Last, from the late Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, the Luggage. A thousand-toed, homicidal suitcase with teeth, the Luggage attaches itself to Rincewind, becoming a constant companion of the magically challenged wizard.

I altered it from a Reaper Mimic Beast, adding the necessary pink feet on the base with green stuff. The Mimic was surprisingly close to what I wanted, even with a large mahogany tongue and store of tempting gold.

Have a particular favorite character you want re-created in miniature? Check out my Etsy Shop for custom orders, and a growing range of pre-painted miniatures.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Ice Warriors from Mars

Ice Warriors, the ancient inhabitants of Mars, have met the Doctor on several occasions during his second and third regenerations, also reappearing in the Eleventh Doctor episode Cold War. A race of honor-bound warriors, they are often at odds with the Doctor, and his less violent means of conflict solving.

The miniatures are from Harlequin/Black Tree Design's original series range, and are good representations of the on-screen Ice Warriors, standing a head taller than the average human.

They were easy to paint, one overall green and a handful of details, but I like how they turned out.

In addition to the standard warriors, I got Ice Lord Izlyr from the Third Doctor adventure The Curse of Peladon to lead my Warriors into battle. Certainly one of my campiest paint-jobs!

A slight issue with the Izlyr model- on the show he has claws similar to the Warriors, not gloved hands. Still, I'm pleased with them, they were enjoyable to paint, and make a good, classic villain for any Doctor to face.

As always, check out my Etsy Shop for custom commissions, and pre-painted miniatures.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Rapiers and Snakes

It's been a while since I've posted! The holidays were, as always, very busy for me. Since than I have been able to get a good bit of painting done, and starting to get back on my posting schedule, and since most of my other models are awaiting basing, I'll start with these two Reaper Pathfinder models...

First is Vencarlo Orosini: painted as a mix of Inigo Montoya from the Princess Bride and a friend's SCA Character. It was a pretty simple paint-job, although I did arm him with the six-fingered sword from the movie.

The base is also from the movie, the ruin-littered top of the Cliffs of Insanity, where Inigo fights the mysterious Man in Black.

Khavith, Serpentfolk evoker:  I tried to give him a middle-eastern nomad feel- with dusty robes and an embroidered scarf.

I'm not sure what I'll use him as, he'd make a good Beastmaster or demon hunter in Frostgrave. Regardless, I like how he turned out.

Check out my Etsy shop for custom orders and pre-painted miniatures.